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Born in Szczecin, studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń, diploma in 2000. Since 1995 she has been living and creating in Toruń. She creates her own illustrations of reality in which everyday life, with a sense of humour, intertwines with the world of imagination and dreams. The inspiration for the artist can become literally everything, a walk, a conversation, scenes from everyday life. Her paintings are very personal and open to interpretation at the same time. They are touching and evocate smile of the viewer. She uses bold colours and brush strokes. And she does not avoid strong contrasts.
Characters in her paintings bravely break away from the ground, cats acquire human characteristics and play the piano, birds and fish make contact with people, couples dance on the roofs – and usually these are the roofs of Toruń. Her works are well known to the city inhabitants. Tenement houses, gates, the town hall, the old town constantly return to the artist's canvases, often depicted in a surprising perspective.
Many of them found their place in private collections, were gifted by the president of the city or bought by tourists wishing to take a unique souvenir. Several hundred paintings of her authorship are in private collections practically all over the world ranging from Canada and the United States of America through Portugal, England, France, Italy, Croatia, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Finland, Poland, China to Australia.
Natasza Piskorska also creates paintings on the walls of Toruń tenement houses and courtyards. She paints the interiors of well-known pubs and restaurants such as ‘Zezowate Szczęście’, a favourite place of local bohemia. In order to get to know the artist's work, it is worth going to the “Katarynka” restaurant in Bydgoszcz where monkeys and parrots appeared on the ceilings and her paintings are on the walls. Her painting also permanently stays in hotel “Spichrz” in Toruń and “Hulanka” in Pawłówek near Bydgoszcz. Hotel “Petit Fleur” in Toruń runs a permanent exhibition and sale of paintings.
Natasza Piskorska paints, sculpts in wood and clay, illustrates books and designs as well. You can meet her on the tracks of Toruń, when she rides a bicycle with a boot full of paintings.
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If you’re interested in taking a look behind the scenes or making an in-person purchase, send us a line at odininfomail.com to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!